gamescom 2009 - "The year of the big gaming conventions split in Germany" is what I would call 2009. The second of the two competing events was the gamescom which took place from 19. to 23. August 2009 in Cologne (Köln), Germany.
We, hexe and T.T.H, are long time Games Convention visitors and after being in Leipzig two weeks ago we had now been in Cologne for a couple of days to gather impressions and to take pictures. Here they are:
gamescom - The main aisle between the halls.
Diablo III - We played Diablo III! Oh, yeah!
Diablo III - It plays pretty much like Diablo II so interface and gameplay was completely intuitive. Just that the game looks so much nicer.
Diablo III interface - Skill tree and inventory.
Diablo III - Once at the computers you were allowed to play for 15 minutes.
Diablo III players - A lot of them, all day long, each day, nonstop.
Diablo III booth - Part of the huge Blizzard booth.
Diablo III line - Sign says 'waiting time 2 hours'.
Diablo III end of line - Sign says 'no more getting in line, waiting time over 4 hours'.
Age of Conan - Big booth.
Age of Conan - Showing new expansion.
Age of Conan - New expansion in an Asian inspired setting.
Age of Conan - Playable.
Age of Conan - Entrance chicks.
Age of Conan - New mounts presented.
NCsoft booth - Huge, colorful, flashy, crowded.
Aion - Gigantic poster on the back side of the booth.
Aion - Playable at several computers.
Guild Wars 2 - World premiere of the first trailer of Guild Wars 2, presented by Martin Kerstein, the German community manager.
Guild Wars 2 - Afterwards a short Q&A with some people from ArenaNet (from left to right): Christopher Lye (Global Brand Director), Randall Price (Senior Vice President for Global Business), Daniel Dociu (Art Director), Jeff Grubb (Content Writer)
Dofus - MMORPG from France, rumored to be among the five most sucessful subscription based MMORPGs.
Dofus - Unique art style, which is a wicked mix of 'comic', 'cute' and 'kinky' in my opinion.
Runes of Magic - Advertising slogan #1: 'Just like WoW'. Advertising slogan #2: 'But free to play'.
Runes of Magic - Nevertheless they always show incredibly awesome computer cases on their booth.
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Seen a 20 minutes presentation: it has an interesting art style and the fact that each and every player or NPC text line in the game is fully voice acted in several languages is quite impressive. In addition they claim to have a very action-packed combat system but from what we have seen the AI of the enemy NPCs would be more fitting for some brainless zombies.
League of Legends - Popular Warcraft III mod 'DotA' as a stand-alone game.
League of Legends - Got a very friendly introduction by the European community manager himself and then played a match we2on2bots for 30 minutes.
League of Legends - Plays very similar to DotA but looks a lot better. Free-to-play, pay-per-item.
League of Legends - They even showed some DotA tournaments at the booth.
Fearless Blue Monster - Teasing a chick from Warhammer Online.
Risen - Backside of Deep Silver booth.
Risen - Frontside of Deep Silver booth, featuring a presenation about Risen.
Risen - Lonely beach, starting point of the hero in Risen.
Risen - People playing.
Borderlands - We've seen a 15 minute presentation of Borderlands and it has a crazy art style, an AI to randomly generate firearm types and -most important for us- it features 4 player coop.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - No chance to play it yourself, only a presentation, so we skipped that one.
Champions Online - The new superhero game from Cryptic.
Dragonball - More whooshkazoombangsploshzackboom.
ESL/Intel - Large stage with huge auditorium to showcase competitive gameplay.
God of War 3 - Poster one.
God of War 3 - Poster two.
God of War 3 - Ingame footage.
LEGO Rock Band - Let that bricks fly!
Mini Ninjas - Little ninjas in high grass.
Monster Hunter Tri - More monsters which have front leg toes larger than the average adventurer.
Pixel Junk - Casual game for the Playstation 3.
Playmobil - Every German boys's most favourite toy, here in larger-than-life size.
Scribblenauts - Get imaginative!
Section 8 - Scifi first person shooter without spawnpoints, instead you just get dropped from a spaceship in orbit...
Splinter Cell: Conviction - Line to some presentation.
Venetica - The daughter of Death going on a rampage to save her father.
Windows 7 - Absolutely definitely totally the best gaming platform ever! At least according to Microsoft.
Shirt Loot - Gathered some T-Shirts of League of Legends, Bioshock 2 and Mafia 2.
Miscellaneous Loot - Mostly key straps and 40 (virtual) diamonds for Runes of Magic
Uber Loot - To get such uber loot one has to have a work mate who has a friend who's brother is working for dtp, the publisher of Drakensang which is a fantasy roleplaying game made in Germany which features a bottle of beer and a beer mug in a wooden box in their super special epic collector's edition of the game.
Dancing Chicks - Concluding with some dancing chicks from a very kinky after-show party, so much about gamescom 2009, more next year!