Because we play Guild Wars since its first public beta weekend the
booth of NCsoft and ArenaNet had of course been the "place to be"
for us. Without any chance to overlook this huge and fancy decorated
booth it was one of the main attractions in hall 5, easily to find.
Being outfitted with "business visitor tickets" we had the chance
to get into the convention at the "not open to public" Wednesday
and especially at the Guild Wars booth that payed out: we had the
chance to play one mission of Guild Wars: Nightfall ourselves
without any queues to wait in but with very humorful NCSoft employees
to answer any questions.
When you sat down at one of those ten demo
PCs you already had a premade level 20 character, with fixed
professions based on the PC you had been sitting. Actually those
got "auto-logged-in" somehow, didn't understand it really but
didn't matter to me really. With the freedom to choose any PC
we went for a Derwish/Mesmer and a Paragon/Ritualist with probably
the same skillset as in the Nightfall PvP preview event.
First noticeable difference is the "Skills and Attributes" dialog
which combined those two things in one uber huge dialog. In addition
there had been the mysterious "Templates" button, which had been
existent but grayed out and unusable. An unnamed source said there
will not be any comment on that button from anyone but of course
we should feel free to take pictures and start spreading rumors
in the internet. Well, here they are, hehe.
Party size was four and henchmen selection showed obvious demo
purposes: next to a group of level 8 henchmen there had been
a group of level 20 henchmen. It seems that outpost called
"Monolith" had been from a low-level area but for "play it
safe with newbie players" reasons the reinforcements had been
put to high-level standards. After a decent laugh at Gehraz,
the Holy Henchman, aka the male elementalist in undyed starter armor
and a huuuge scythe, we took the level 20 guys out for a little
adventure. Or let me better say "steamroller excursion" because
it was hard to use any skills when enemies died in one to three hits.
We should have gone for the low-level henchies...
When asked how I did like that mission I answered two sentences:
1) the mission is nothing special and 2) it just looks as awesome
as the rest of the game. Really, it's yet another prove that the
coders and modelers and level designers of ArenaNet do a great job
and deserve their place in the triple AAA games market. The landscape
looks different than Tyria and Cantha and even the architecture
is different. We really hope our photos can show you that but it's
pretty sure there will be official screenshots emerging soon enough.
The enemies had been some sort of plants and later on skeletons and ghosts
and the level included several "riddles" in the form of "death from above"
smashers, fire traps, stone pedestals and opening doors when you got everything
alright. That "greenish" screenshots had been some monster hex applied to
my character, with a -2 health degen and that change of the screen color.
No clue whether that green color will be applied to all health degen hexes
or not, feel free to speculate. Another quite obvious fact was the look
of the emerging damage numbers, heal numbers and energy gain and loss numbers:
in contrary to the old, simply moving upwards style they now pop up, squiqqle
around, move a little upwards and then vanish very fast again. Warning,
personal opinion ahead, but we do not like them. hexe was instantly reminded
of the old "Batman and Robin" series with that "BOOM" and "SMACK" painted
over the movie. This "pop, squiqqle, fly" behaviour is just too "hyper Japanese
comic style" for us. Well, we have to see, maybe we are just too accustomed
to the way they are now.
At the end of the mission there had been some very nice cutscene during which I
photographed the screen as often as possible and totaly neglected the
storyline. The outfits of the participating characters had been very
chic and very detailed and left a good impression on us.
When arriving at the next outpost we had been completely stunned: its name
was "Bayou" and it really look like "Bayou", with its huts and its fireplaces
and its boats and its trees and its vegetation. Aye Caramba! Unfortunately
the NCsoft employee told us that he has to log us out now since this was the only
mission everybody had been allowed to play and only due to superior distraction
skills of hexe and due to unbelievable fast photographing skills of me and
due to some very considerate "I haven't seen that" customer tolerance skills
of the friendly guy I can present you two of our most favourite photos of the
whole convention. Don't they just look gorgeous?!
Based on the fact that nobody had been waiting for our seats we were able
to try out character generation. Actually that did work despite that
"auto logging characters stuff" and we browsed through everything we could
see in a considerable amount of time.
See for yourself, drool like we did
and maybe start a global online petition that Elona born male Elementalists
should not be forced to wear heavy, warm, uncomfortable moon boots the size
of a medium wall prick. Anyway, login screen is "da bomb" again.
After parting from the game itself again we stayed at the booth and actually
got into some chit-chats with several different VIPs of NCsoft and ArenaNet.
It started with Michael Gills, head of tournament organization, with whom we
exchanged some words on the booth and the event schedule.
A little later
we got in contact with Isaiah Cartwright, head of skill balancing, and he
shared some insights about technical issues. First of all ArenaNet does not
have a lengthy QA procress as other companies regarding the application of
patches for the game. He said they put a lot of pressure on the coders
to just do things right the first time, but then they mostly apply the
patch instantly. In the directly following time they do watch closely and
in case they notice side effects they just patch again and see what now
happens. Like it or not, all in all Guild Wars has a better uptime than
any other MMORPG I know of. Another interesting detail is the existince
of three so-called "stages", basically copies of the whole ingame world.
One "stage" are the official servers where everybody is playing on.
Another "stage" is the "right before live" one where all game patches
get applied on for final testing purposes right before being applied to
the official servers. This stage has even been duplicated for the convention
so the demo PCs at the booth can connect to them. Last "stage" is the
development one where everything is created and tried and refined and
so on. All "stages" are reachable from the internet, means there are no
real "internal network only" servers.
Final guy at Wednesday had been Alex Weekes, community coordinator for
Europe. First thing to notice had been his eyes: based on the use
of "black light" at the booth his eyes had been glowing screaming red,
as if he'd been a vampire to bite you in the next minute. Luckily he's
such a friendly guy that we got not scared and continued our conversation.
We did talk about Nightfall mostly and he personally considers this the
so far best chapter, business mumbo jumbo left aside. Yeah, we did believe
him, actually he sprinkled of enthusiasm when talking about Nightfall,
just the same way we do as we're writting down our review now. He said
it's gonna be "very story driven" (quote), whatever that means. He mentioned
several times that they do listen to what the fans said about Factions
and Prophecies and the differences between them. We did believe even
that, sorry, seems we're true fanboys, hihi. Anyway. Another thing
we asked him regarded the "heroes", the customizable
henchmen we picked up some rumors about. You can acquire them in the
story line, level them up with you and equip them to your liking.
How far this goes he didn't say but he said the choice of heroes
for a mission is limited by the fact that some heroes are mutual
exclusive due to storline elements (and maybe plain disliking?).
Next to their use in PvE there will even be one new PvP mode:
you and three of your heroes can start a battle with another
player and his three heroes. Besides scrimmage
matches this is the first place in Guild Wars where players
fight 1-vs-1 in PvP. Sounds definitely interesting.
When hinted
at the fact that some PvP players already started whining
about the PvE focus of Nightfall he said there will even be
incentives for PvP player to buy Nightfall. First of all there
will be new arenas of course and in addition there will be
more PvP training places, even while there already is all that
Zaishen stuff. It seems they try to improve the entry of
players the entry into PvP even more.
At Thursday after the ArenaNet crew and all tournament teams
arrived we got that one thing that could not have been mission
of course: a photo from Gaile Gray. Yeah, yeah, we know we
are fanboys. Unfortunately it was the moment right after the
very first tournament match got cancelled due to technical problems
and everybody from the booth staff was obviously sad and busy
the same time. Nevertheless she took the time for a quick picture
before going off to what she had to do.
Another "drive-by shooting" had been Jeff Strain, founder and
big guru at ArenaNet, who had been sitting at the tournament
PCs himself making settings to the operation system. A smile
we got anyway, thanks a lot.
Okeydokey, what else to say? All other news should be known
to you by the official press release that got out that
same day at 5:00pm local time. Actually in that very moment
they played the Nightfall trailer once more at the big screen
and then just popped the big release date announcement up.
Cheering, applause, first exchange of opinions on the
Collector's edition cover.
So, we have been there and we have seen a lot and we have talked
a lot and we want to say a big "thank you" to all the crew who
had been incredibly friendly and simply talked to us when they
got the time for. It was a please to meet you and we wish you
all the best with Guild Wars!
In case you, dear reader, are a Guild Wars player yourself
and want to share your opinion with us concerning Nightfall or this review,
please feel free to contact
"Noor Yamarchant" (hexe) or "Nandoon Yamarchant" (T.T.H.)
from the Wolf Guard [WOLF]